Projects and publications

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Projects and work
Project name Description FIS datas Institution Internet link
GeotIS The Geothermal Information System shows the potentials and installations of deep geothermal use in Germany Underground temperatures LIAG
GeoMOL Geopotenziale für die nachhaltige Nutzung des tieferen Untergrundes in den alpinen Vorlandbecken Temperature and borehole datas LGRB
GeORG Geopotenziale des tieferen Untergrundes im Oberrheingraben Underground temperatures LGRB
Hessen 3D Geothermisches Potenzial: Projekt Hessen 3D Underground temperatures HLNUG
Web Map Services The LIAG provides maps on the Internet as WMS (Web Map Services) in a set of selectable projections For all FIS methods LIAG
Web Feature Services The LIAG provides vector datas on the Internet as WFS (Web Feature Services) in a set of selectable projections For all FIS methods LIAG
Publisher Description FIS datas Author Internet link
ScienceDirect Forecast for thermal water use from Upper Jurassic carbonates in the Munich region (South German Molasse Basin) Underground temperatures LIAG
ScienceDirect 3D seismic survey explores geothermal targets for reservoir characterization at Unterhaching, Munich, Germany Underground temperatures LIAG
MDPI Open Access Journals Deep Geothermal Energy Production in Germany Underground temperatures LIAG
ZDGG The Geothermal Information System for Germany - GeotIS Underground temperatures LIAG
ScienceDirect Subsurface temperature distribution in Germany Underground temperatures LIAG
ZDGG Subsurface temperatures in Baden-Württemberg, Germany Underground temperatures LIAG
ZDGG Geothermal Atlas to visualise potential conflicts of interest between CO2 storage (CCS) and deep geothermal energy in Germany Underground temperatures LIAG
ZDGG On the use of small amplitude magnetic anomalies for the improvement of geological models: case studies from Northern Germany Magnetic measurements LIAG
ScienceDirect Rock thermal conductivity of Mesozoic geothermal aquifers in the Northeast German Basin Underground temperatures GFZ
Geophysical Journal International Calculation of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity of sedimentary rocks using petrophysical well logs Underground temperatures GFZ
Geophysical Journal International Well-log based prediction of thermal conductivity of sedimentary successions: a case study from the Northeast German Basin Underground temperatures GFZ
Environmental Earth Sciences Deep 3D thermal modelling for the city of Berlin (Germany) Underground temperatures GFZ
GFZ Potsdam - Hochschulschrift Well-log based determination of rock thermal conductivity in the North German Basin Underground temperatures GFZ
Schweizerbart Remote Sensing and GIS Studies of the Hegau Volcanic Area in SW Germany Magnetic measurements TU-Berlin
ZDGG 3D modelling of the deep geothermal potential of the Federal State of Hesse (Germany) - input data and identifi cation of potential Underground temperatures TU-Darmstadt
Handbuch Tiefe Geothermie Explorationsstrategie tiefer geothermischer Ressourcen am Beispiel des Norddeutschen Beckens Underground temperatures GTN/LIAG
ScienceDirect Evaluation of Expert Reports to Quantify the Exploration Risk for Geothermal Projects in Germany Underground temperatures LIAG
KIT Scientific Publishing Berechnung der RTM-Effekte auf Schwereanomalien im Kontext der regionalen Quasigeoidbestimmung Gravity measurements KIT
ResearchGate The role of structural changes for geothermal projects in the area of Basel Gravimetry measurements CHYN/Suisse AG
Graduation Description FIS datas Institution Internet link
Bachelor thesis Bestimmung von geothermischen Kennwerten an Gesteinen des Kellerwaldes Underground temperatures TU-Darmstadt Unpublished
Bachelor thesis Geothermische Untersuchungen des Buntsandsteins des Odenwaldes Underground temperatures TU-Darmstadt Unpublished
Bachelor thesis Geothermische Gesteinskennwerte der paläozoischen Gesteine des Werra-Grauwacken-Aufbruchs Underground temperatures TU-Darmstadt Unpublished
Bachelor thesis Untersuchung und Bewertung der geothermischen Eigenschaften der Gesteine der Nördlichen Pyllitzone Underground temperatures TU-Darmstadt Unpublished
Bachelor thesis Gravimetrische Untersuchung eines Erdfalls bei Northeim Gravimetry measurements Uni-Hannover Unpublished
Bachelor thesis Analyse und Interpretation von Potenzialfeldanomalien aus dem Nordwestdeutschen Becken Gravimetry measurements Uni-Bremen Unpublished
Bachelor thesis Curie-Tiefen in Süddeutschland abgeleitet aus Anomalien des erdmagnetischen Totalfeldes Magnetic measurements Uni-Hannover Unpublished
Diploma thesis Gravimetrische Untersuchungen am Südrand des Laacher Sees zur Auflösung der Untergrundstruktur im Randbereich des Vulkans Gravimetry measurements TU-Freiberg
Diploma thesis Untersuchung der hydraulischen Kennwerte des Permokarbons in Hessen und Rheinland-Pfalz Underground temperatures TU-Darmstadt Unpublished
Diploma thesis 3D Modellierung des tiefengeothermischen Potentials und der Petrologie des westlichen Taunus/Rheinisches Schiefergebirge Underground temperatures TU-Darmstadt Unpublished
Diploma thesis 3D-Modellierung des tiefengeothermischen Potenzials des nördlichen Oberrheingrabens und Untersuchung der geothermischen Eigenschaften des Rotliegend Underground temperatures TU-Darmstadt Unpublished
Dissertation Using seismic data to estimate the spatial distribution of rock thermal conductivity at reservoir scale Refraction seismics TU-Darmstadt
Dissertation Untersuchung der tiefengeothermischen Potenziale von Hessen Underground temperatures TU-Darmstadt
Dissertation Geologische Strukturmodellierung von Hessen zur Bestimmung von Geopotenzialen Underground temperatures TU-Darmstadt
Master thesis Entwicklung einer Korrekturformel für gestörte Temperatur-Logs aus Tiefbohrungen im östlichen Teil des Norddeutschen Beckens Underground temperatures LIAG Unpublished
POS (Probability Of Success) studies
Count Projekt FIS datas Institution Date
3 Wörth am Rhein, Mauerstetten and Taufkirchen Underground temperatures LIAG 2006
12 Dürrnhaar, Ammersee, Kandel, Schwetzingen-Brühl, Bernried, Insheim, Otterstadt, Oberhaching, Steinfeld-Schaidt, Steinfeld-Scheibenhardt, Bergzabern-Schaidt and Berg Underground temperatures LIAG 2007
7 Speyerdorf-Geinsheim, Bergzabern-Dierbach, Steinfeld-Bienwald, Traunreut, Speyerdorf-Haßloch, Speyerdorf-Haßloch and Geretsried Underground temperatures LIAG 2008
3 Lustadt, Weilheim and Rülzheim Underground temperatures LIAG 2009
2 Putzbrunn and Freiham Underground temperatures LIAG 2010
1 Munster Underground temperatures LIAG 2012
1 Königsdorf Underground temperatures LIAG 2013
1 Holzkirchen Underground temperatures LIAG 2014
1 Alz Underground temperatures LIAG 2016
3 Bad Bevensen, Schwerin-Lankow and Schnaitsee Underground temperatures LIAG 2017
Place Description Participation Institution Date
Jena Presentation of the Geophysics Information System Lecture/poster DGG 2002
Berlin New developments of the Geophysics Information System Poster DGG 2004
Hamburg WebBERT - A web-based inversion service in the Geophysics Information System Poster DGG 2012
Freiburg Use of the Geophysics Information System via the internet Lecture IGC 2006
Freiburg News about the Geophysics Information System Lecture IGC 2009
Hannover Evaluation - Geophysics online - The Geophysics Information System Lecture/poster LIAG 2004
Hannover Evaluation - The Geophysics Information System Lecture/poster LIAG 2011
Hannover LIAG-seminar - New developments in the Geophysics Information System Lecture LIAG 2011
Hannover The Geophysics Information System Workshop LIAG 1999
Hannover The Geophysics Information System Workshop LIAG 2011
Hannover Exchange meetings - The Geophysics Information System Lecture/poster LIAG Consecutively
Publisher Description Date Format Internet link
LIAG Deep Geothermal Energy (chapter 4.1, thermophysical parameters from the FIS) 2016 PDF
Publisher Description Date Format Internet link
DGG Geophysik online - das Fachinformationssystem Geophysik 2005 PDF
DGG WebBERT - Ein Web-basierter geoelektrischer Inversionsdienst im Fachinformationssystem Geophysik 2014 PDF
ZAG Aufbau eines Fachinformationssystems Geophysik 2003 Journal
Geologisches Jahrbuch Fachinformationssystem Geophysik: Datenbestands- und Datenbedarfsanalyse 1998 Book
TU-Freiberg Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen - Behandlungstechnologien für bergbaubeeinflusste Wässer 2006 PDF
BMUB Umweltforschungsplan des BMUB - Geologische Daten 2015 PDF
LGRB GeoMol - Geopotenziale für die nachhaltige Nutzung des tieferen Untergrundes in den alpinen Vorlandbecken 2015 PDF
HLNUG Anwendungen von zwei neuen hessischen geophysikalischen Potenzialkarten 2013 PDF
HLNUG Hessen 3D 2.0: Wärmespeicherung und petrothermale Systeme 2016 PDF
WGC 2-D Magnetotellurics and Gravity at the Geothermal Site at Soultz-sous-Forêts 2010 PDF
WGC A New Approach to Estimating the Geothermal Potential of Faults in Germany 2015 PDF
WGC New Concept for the Application of Outcrop Analogue Data for Geothermal (POS) Studies - Examples of Projects in the Northern Upper Rhine Graben 2015 PDF
Uni-Bratislava Bouguer anomaly - What kind of puzzle it is? 2014 PDF
This list is not exhaustive (October 2020)