Release 14.1 from 01-16-2020:
- Viewing diagrams and download XML schemas for the entire geophysics information system database, the superstructure and all subsystems
Release 14.0 from 02-05-2019:
- Extension of the Grid Center: New 2D horizontal section at 0, 100, 200, ..., 4800, 4900, 5000 meters of the Germany-wide 3D model of underground temperatures taken from
the GeotIS system. For each temperature value there is also a standard deviation.
- All subsystems and superstructure: Adaption to newer versions of PHP®, MapServer® and GMT®.
- Subsystem Temperatures: Functional extension to display a new temperature quality class (240, non-equilibrium temperature log (corrected)).
- Implementation of a OGC-compliant Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Feature Services (WFS) for the subsystem 3D-Seismic.
- IT upgrade of the privacy statement, the privacy notice and the terms of use of FIS GP Web.
- Import of new measurements and interpretations, especially in subsystems Temperatures, Aero Geophysics and 1D geoelectrics.
- New Menu Bar.
Version 12.2 vom 11-16-2017:
- New subsystem 3D-Seismic: It contains data about measurements as well as inversions and export actions.
- Activation of the new interface for the subsystem petrophysics:
- Download of the hierarchical-structured Excel®-sheet FLEX-PP for data input.
- Import of new petrophysic measurements into the data base.
- New action Export / FLEX-PP for export of query hits into the hierarchical-structured Excel®-sheet FLEX-PP.
Version 12.0 vom 11-05-2017:
- All subsystems and superstructure: Adaption to newer versions of PHP® and GMT®.
- Development of a new start page for an improved overview (topic and functionality) of FIS GP and the display of the current data basis of all subsystems.
- Revision of information material (posters, flyers, tutorial, and reports) in German and English.
- Revision of the registration form.
- Extension of stored data by:
- Import of new measurements and interpretations, especially in subsystems Temperatures and Aero Geophysics, SkyTEM, Petrophysics, 2D-Seismic and 2D-Geoelectrics.
- Adoption of new borings, holes and deviation geometries from the actual hydrocarbon database of the LBEG,
- Adaption and update of OGC-compliant Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Feature Services (WFS) for all subsystems of the Geophysics Information System.
- Updating of several background maps (WMS) and administrative borders of FIS GP's map search.
- Maintenance of the cloud-based web interface WebBERT for the geoelectric inversion program (BERT); adjustment to new server and software components.
- Revision of the display of free and protected data using protection classes.
- Updating the relationship between different objects (e.g. measurements und reports).
- Revision and further development of help texts in German and English.
- Replacement of several background maps by high-quality-web-services. New backgrounds are Digital Terrain Model 50cm und 10cm of BKG.
Version 11.0 from 08-12-2015:
- Subsystem Borehole Geophysics: Functional extension of action Visualize / Trackplot (visualization of well logs) by smooth filters, calculated
tracks, logarithmic axises, curve overlays and uploaded geological profiles.
- Subsystem Borehole Geophysics: Functional extension of action Export / Textfile (export of well logs) by smooth filters and calculated tracks.
- All subsystems and superstructure: New action Export / Excel for export of query hits into a flat or hierarchical-structured Excel®-sheet.
- All subsystems and superstructure: Functional extension of action Statistics / simple by an additional visualization as Box-Whisker-diagram..
- All subsystems and superstructure: Adaption to newer versions of PHP® and GMT®.
Release 10.0 from 12-10-2014:
- New subsystem TEM: In cooperation with BGR, a new subsystem TEM = Transient Electromagnetics has been developed. It contains data
about TEM measurements as well as inversions und supports a couple of visualization and export actions.
- Implementation of OGC-compliant Web Map Services (WMS) for all subsystems of our Geophysics Information System, for the use of location
maps for measurements and campaigns at other Web portals. All services support WMS-methods GetFeatureInfo (display of some header data after
mouse-clicking an object) and GetLegendGraphic (graphical display of legend). See entry Web Services→Map Services in the main
- Improvement of actions diagram/XY, diagram/grouped, statistics/grouped and statistics/histogram by:
- adjustable diagram sizes,
- selectable linear/logarithmic axis divisions,
- selectable bar- and symbol-colors and -sizes,
- numeric axis labels optional in exponential format,
- display of the regression line in diagram/XY,
- extended usability of coordinate fields as diagram variables.
- Resolution of the conflict between TVD calculation and Resampling within action Export / Textfile in the single hit
display of a log measurement
- Extension of stored data by:
- Import of new measurements and interpretations, especially in subsystems Temperatures and Aero Geophysics,
- Adoption of new borings, holes and deviation geometries from the actual hydrocarbon database of the LBEG,
- Acquisition of all report citations from Hannover Geocenter's digital archive catalog.
Release 9.2 from 02-19-2014:
- Changed behaviour of FIS GP's Map Search:
- In all thematic data, single measurement objects will be shown only in higher map scales. In lower scales, only bounding
polygons of higher-level campaigns are visible. Please zoom-in stronger to see single measurement objects.
- As an additional background layer, the ®OpenStreetmap is now available also as gray-scale map.
- Extendes functionality of action Map / GMT for geographical mapping of search result sets:
- selectable geographical reference systems for the map presentation,
- selectable WMS (e.g. ®OpenStreetmap) to be used as map backgrounds.
- Bore versions are now categorized into three base types: (1) boreholes, (2) casing states and (3) combination of (1) and (2).
- In subsystem Temperatures, the retrospective assignment of temperature measurements to the boreholes of German hydrocarbon borings was
completely re-done.
Release 9.1 from 09-30-2013:
- Changed behaviour of FIS GP's Map Search:
- For thematic data , Magnetics and 1D-Geoelectrics, only bounding boxes for measurement campaigns instead of single
measurement points are visible in scales 1:500,000 and lower. Please zoom in to see measurement points.
- In scales 1:25,000 and higher, not only the symbol, but also a text inscription will be shown for every geo-object of a foreground layer.
- New EPSG codes 4258 and -4258 (geographical coordinates ETRS89).
Release 9.0 from 07-01-2013:
- Usability of FIS GP's Map Search with different spatial reference systems (SRS). The SRS to be used can be pre-selected at main
menu entry Settings→Session Settings, but can also be overriden at launching of map search.
- BKG's Digital Terrain Model 1:200,000 now available as background map for the map search.
Release 8.1 from 04-03-2013:
- New subsystem Aero Geophysics→SkyTEM with currently 5 flight areas in Northern Germany.
- Changed selection technique for Geographic Reference Systems at Settings→Session Parameters→Geogr. System using EPSG codes.
- Adjustable map-search-window-size at Map Search→Application. Presetting ist possible at Settings→Session Parameters→
Other Options→Map Window.
- Replacement of several background maps by high-quality-web-services. New backgrounds are OpenStreetMap,
Digital Orthophotos 40cm of BKG, WebAtlasDE grey/coloured of BKG.
- New possibility to decide between the usage of one single browser window for all processing actions and the usage of an individual
window for each action. The second technique allows the visual comparison of several action results.
- Visualization of selected points of an inverted aero-EM (HEM) measurement profile = section as an overlay of vertical 1D-profiles;
reachable within the action menu of the single hit display of a searched HEM-Inversion.
Release 8.0 from 11-16-2012:
- New main menu entry Grid Center. FIS GP's Grid Center contains regular 2D grids of different themes. In particular, you can get free
access to the 2D horizontal section at 500, 1000, ..., 5000 meters of the Germany-wide 3D model of underground temperatures taken from
the GeotIS system. The Grid Center will be extented to 3D in 2013.
- Improvement of the system's reliability by development of a periodically started runability watchdog.
- Adjustable number of objects/rows within the paging intervals of a list of query hits (see main menu entry Settings →
Session Settings).
- Revision of the subsystem gravimetry (see main menu entry Gravimetry → Data history).
- Extensibilty of published data objects by citations. This concerns object classes project, campaign (including measurements
and interpretations), 2D grid, borehole, Composite Log, measurement device and interpretation software.
- Optional ZIP-compression of all types of export files.
- Redesign of all forms of the user interface by addition of grouping frames.
Release 7.1 from 05-30-2012:
- Improvement of IT security, e. g. by:
- additional shielding against web attacks by usage of a "Web Application Firewall",
- added protection against brute force attacks to the login page by enforcement of delays increasing in square,
- improved protection against manipulation of get/post parameters.
- Revision of Subsystem Gravimetry (see main menu entry Gravimetry → Data History).