Geo data rights
All kinds of header data in the Geophysics Information System (FIS GP)
are visible for all users, except some few privacy-protected object attributes.
In order to view sensitive details of measurements and interpretations,
special access rights are required. If a user does not have these rights, these attributes
are hidden from him. The content of a hidden attribute is replaced by the string #locked#,
and the primary key column (in most cases named ID) is shown in orange.
Some kinds of users get standard rights when registering as new FIS-GP-users:
- LIAG-employees have unlimited access rights and can see all kinds of data stored in
- Members of the Hannover Geocenter (BGR and LBEG) can see all data owned by LIAG.
- All data owners can see their own data.
- Members of the German State Geological Surveys can see all data located on their state
- Non-registered users, working under the guest account, can see only free data. Currently
(Juni 2007), the following data are free accessible:
- all LIAG-owned measurements and -interpretations in the area of Cuxhaven city,
- all LIAG-owned 1D-Schlumberger-measurements and -interpretations created before year
- all LIAG-owned borehole logs created before year 2006,
- aero geophysics (electromagnetic, magnetics and radiometry) measured by BGR (Federal Institute for
Geosciences and Natural Resources) in several flight areas (access restrictions for some data with third party owners),
- all petrophysical measurements from project Petrophysikalische Messungen im Norddeutschen
Becken (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences),
- the 2D grids of for the horizontal sections 0m, 100m, ..., 5000m of the German 3D underground
temperature model, coming from the Geothermal Information System for Germany (GeotIS);
see main menu entry Grid Center,
- the 2D grids of the Geotectonical Atlas North-West-Germany of the BGR; each 2D grid relates to the base depth
of a stratigraphical main unit from Zechstein to Quarternary; see main menu entry Grid Center.
As result of a search operation, you can see also the free parts of data objects which are locked for you
due to missing access rights. If you don't want to see locked objects, please enter additional
criteria into the search form, e. g. start date < 01.01.2003 and data owner = LIAG. You may also use the object filter functionality (see dedicated clickbutton
in the list display of query hits to suppress locked objects.
The permission of non-standard access rights (may be non-fee for research purposes), needs the agreement
of our director and the agreement of the data owner. In general, an individual contract has to be signed
by all parties. However, there are some general conditions for the usage of FIS-GP-data. You can find these
conditions on the FIS GP start page.